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Helping New Brunswickers Know the Law

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PLEIS sits on several national, provincial, and local committees. Here are some of the committees we currently participate on:

  • Public Legal Education Association of Canada: PLEIS-NB is an active member on the Board of PLEAC and sits on a number of sub-committees exploring issues related to access to justice and research. PLEAC is a nation-wide network of individuals and organizations established to promote access to justice through public legal education.  PLEAC's members are individuals and organizations that:  Provide public legal education or information programs, resources, or services to their members or communities; and are involved in policy development, research or funding relating to understanding and meeting the legal information or education needs of the public.  (
  • New Brunswick Silent Witness Organizing Committee: PLEIS-NB is a member of this committee which has created an exhibit of life-size red wooden silhouettes, each one representing a New Brunswick woman who was killed by a husband, partner or acquaintance. Because these women no longer have a voice, the silhouettes are called the Silent Witnesses. (
  • Provincial Caring Partnership Committee: PLEIS-NB participates on this provincial committee to oversee implementation of grass roots public awareness of family violence prevention.  Each community has created partnerships among local groups, businesses, service clubs, social agencies and individuals who are concerned about family violence and its widespread effects throughout society.  The provincial committee that acts as a catalyst for grass-roots public education initiatives on family violence around the province.  (
  • Family Violence and the Workplace Committee: PLEIS-NB sits on this committee which deals with the impact of family violence when it spills over into the workplace.  The Committee has launched a website and a bilingual toolkit to assist employers, unions, and employees dealing with family violence and its impact in the workplace. The purpose of this Toolkit is to help New Brunswick businesses take action to address family violence and its impact on the workplace. (
  • Atlantic Regional Coordinating Committee on Crime Prevention and Community Safety:  PLEIS-NB continues to sit on the Atlantic Coordinating Committee on Crime Prevention and Community Safety. The ACC is a unique partnership of individuals and organizations committed to building safer communities. Each Atlantic Canadian province is represented on the ACC by people from the criminal justice system, law enforcement agencies, crime prevention organizations, public legal information associations and provincial governments. The goal is to lead and challenge Atlantic Canadians in building safe and crime-free communities.  (
  • Minister’s Working Group on Violence Against Women:  PLEIS-NB participates in consultations and meetings with the Minister Responsible for the Status of Women. (