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Youth and the Law


Pop Quiz

Circle the appropriate answer for each of the following questions:

1. Who is most likely to be charged with violent crimes in this country?

A) Children below age 7
B) Youth (12-17 yrs)
C) Adults
D) Seniors

2. In 1999, youth between the ages of 12 and 17 made up 8% of the Canadian population. What percentage of people charged with Criminal Code offences are youth?

A) 8%
B) 21%
C) 43%
D) 55%

3. Young people are the major cause of violence in this country.


4. In general, the rate of youth crime has INCREASED.


5. What percentage of youth charged with a violent offence were using alcohol or drugs at the time of the incident?

A) 6%
B) 19%
C) 42%
D) 61%

6. 20% of all violent crimes committed against youth occur at school or on school grounds.


7. The most likely victims of violent youth crime are:

A) elderly
B) adults
C) youth
D) children

8. Apart from breaching administrative orders (such as breaking a probation order or not showing up for a court appearance), the most common cases in youth court are:

A) Drug offences
B) Minor assaults
C) Murder
D) Theft

9. The majority of cases in youth court involve 14 and 15 year olds.


10. What country has the highest rate of putting youth in jail?

A) Canada
B) England
C) Europe
D) Australia

11. In Canada approximately 2 out of 3 of cases in youth court result in conviction. In 1999-2000, what percentage most accurately represents New Brunswick's youth conviction rate?

A) 55%
B) 65%
C) 76%
D) 84%

12. Youth convicted of repeat offences are how many times more likely to go to jail than first time offenders?

A) 0 times
B) 1.5 times
C) 2.5 times
D) 5.5 times

13. Even when convicted of an offence, youth receive no real punishment.


14. The greater the number of prior convictions, the greater the chance of being sentenced to secure custody (jail).


15. Programs that support/treat youth in the community cost approximately the same as putting youth in jail.


16. The more time high school students spend unsupervised, the more likely they are to do poorly at school and to drink or take drugs.


17. The most common extra-curricular activity for children and youth is:

A) Playing sports
B) Reading
C) Music
D) Watching T.V.

18. What time do most young people get into trouble?

A) 7:00-9:00am
B) 2:00-6:00pm
C) 8:00-10:00pm
D) After midnight

19. According to a 2000 statistic, how many Canadian youth between 15 and 24 years volunteer in the community?

A) 1 out of 10
B) 3 out of 10
C) 5 out of 10
D) 6 out of 10

20. You can help prevent youth crime by caring and getting involved.



1. C
2. B
3. False -- Most violent crimes are committed by adults
4. False
5. C
6. True
7. C
8. D
9. False -- The majority of cases in youth court involve 16 and 17 year olds.
10. A -- Canada has the highest rate of incarcerating youth in the industrialized world.
11. D
12. C
13. False -- 1 in 3 young people convicted serve some type of custodial sentence.
14. True
15. False -- The estimated annual cost of jailing a youth is $100,000. Community based programs can be operated at considerable lower costs.
16. True
17. D
18. B
19. B
20. True -- The justice system alone cannot prevent youth crime. It takes a community to support youth and prevent crime.


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