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Latest News & Updates

May 10, 2023New Family Law Instructional Videos

November 16, 2022Brand-new 13th edition of Doing Your Own Divorce in New Brunswick!

November 8, 2022Annual Report and Letter from the Executive Directors, 2021-22

September 28, 2022Doing Your Own Uncontested Divorce in New Brunswick for the Saint John and Moncton Regions

September 20, 2022Name Changes Following the Death of Queen Elizabeth II

August 24, 2022Expansion of Family Law Information Line Hours

July 21, 2022New "Planning Ahead" Publications on Powers of Attorney and Health Care Directives

July 13, 2022Residential Tenancies Act: Rent Cap Amendment

June 16, 2022PLEIS-NB celebrates the recognition of Dr. Deborah Doherty, recipient of the 29th annual Muriel McQueen Fergusson Foundation Award

February 28, 2022Family Law Information Clinic

November 10, 2021Legal Summary: Client Focused Reforms: Understanding Conflicts of Interest

October 4, 2021Executive Director - Job Posting

July 22, 2021New Brunswick Sen. Judith Keating Passes Away

March 31, 2021Government of Canada supports initiative to address workplace sexual harassment and improve access to justice in New Brunswick

March 1, 2021Changes to the Divorce Act and Family Law Act

February 22, 2021Errata - Enduring Powers of Attorney Act

January 5, 2021Safer Places Program

January 5, 2021Enforcement of Money Judgments

December 16, 2020Happy Holidays

December 10, 2020Divorce Act

July 28, 2020Safe for Pets Too

March 17, 2020Our Response to COVID-19

December 13, 2019Happy Holidays

December 11, 2019Enforcement of Money Judgments Act coming into force

October 28, 2019Consultation on Family law reform of the Family Services Act related to amendments to the federal Divorce Act

October 11, 2019Workplace Sexual Harassment Project – Meet Our Team

October 8, 2019PLEIS-NB welcomes Pro Bono law students

September 24, 2019Celebrating 30 Years of Excellence

September 12, 2019New safety planning APP connects women living with intimate partner violence to helpful services

August 26, 2019Upcoming amendments to the Divorce Act

August 2, 2019New Booklet: Emergency Intervention Orders – Information for Respondents

July 26, 2019Project Manager Position (Bilingual)

May 30, 2019Felix Goes to Court

May 29, 2019New storybook launched to help child victims

March 1, 2019New Resource – Advance Health Care Directives

February 27, 2019New Educational Video on Judges in Canada

February 14, 2019Testifying in Criminal Court - Revised

January 3, 2019Child Sexual Exploitation on the Internet

December 10, 2018Happy Holidays

October 17, 2018Information from the Human Rights Commission on Cannabis

October 17, 2018Cannabis Legalization

September 5, 2018Domestic Violence Service Providers and Stakeholders

August 28, 2018PLEIS-NB Hosts Annual BBQ 2018

August 20, 2018Family Justice Service Delivery Model Expanding in September for Moncton

August 17, 2018New Booklet on Support Enforcement

August 10, 2018Road Safety in New Brunswick

July 24, 2018Updated Version of 'Preventing Abuse and Neglect of Seniors' Booklet

July 17, 2018The Cannabis Act and You: How to Prepare for October 17th 2018

July 12, 2018A Legal First in Canada: Three unmarried adults recognized as the legal parents of a child born within their “polyamorous” family

July 4, 2018Paid Leave for Individuals Subject to Domestic, Intimate Partner or Sexual Violence

June 29, 2018A Grandparent's Right to Spend Time with their Grandchildren

June 28, 2018Support Enforcement

June 22, 2018Can a Parent End All Rights and Obligations to a Child?

June 20, 2018Traditional Negotiation with Lawyers

June 18, 2018Collaborative Law

June 15, 2018Clearance Certificate and Trial Record

June 14, 2018Changing the Last Name of Child

June 12, 2018Coming to an Agreement Together

June 8, 2018Mediation

June 4, 2018Travelling with Children

June 1, 2018When Does Spousal Support End?

May 22, 2018New Protection Measures Available for Victims of Intimate Partner Violence

May 18, 2018Revised Resources for Victims of Crime

April 27, 2018Resources for Couples Living on Reserve

December 18, 2017Happy Holidays

November 20, 2017November is Family Violence Prevention Month

November 3, 2017Updates to the Federal Child Support Tables

October 2, 2017PLEIS-NB pleased to welcome Pro Bono law students from the University of New Brunswick

September 22, 2017PLEIS-NB Hosts Annual BBQ 2017

July 13, 2017Financial eligibility for legal aid changes–who qualifies?

July 4, 2017Annual Report 2016-2017

June 30, 2017Canada 150

June 20, 2017Changes to support enforcement program

June 15, 2017Amendments to the Criminal Code: Bill C-51

May 31, 2017Living in an Abusive Relationship: Strategies for Staying Safer

May 29, 2017Bicycle Helmet Regulations

May 16, 2017Grandparents’ right of access to their grandchildren

May 16, 2017Brush Up on Bonfire Laws!

May 5, 2017Amendments to the New Brunswick Human Rights Act

May 3, 2017Elimination of Conditional Permanent Residence Requirement

March 22, 2017Handbook on Family Law for Newcomers Launched

March 10, 2017PLEIS to Launch New Handbook on March 20th

January 18, 2017Court Support Volunteer Program

December 21, 2016Happy Holidays

November 10, 2016Get ready for the Child Rights Education Week- November 14-20!

October 12, 2016PLEIS-NB excited to welcome new Pro Bono law students from the University of New Brunswick

September 30, 2016PLEIS-NB Annual Report 2015-2016

September 28, 2016PLEIS-NB excited to welcome new Pro Bono law students from Université de Moncton

September 21, 2016Income Disclosure for Child Support Purposes

September 6, 2016Silent Witness website

August 26, 2016PLEIS-NB Hosts Annual BBQ 2016

August 4, 2016What is a Power of Attorney?

July 22, 2016Saint John Father Sent to Jail for Hitting Child with Spoon

June 28, 2016Medical assistance in dying

June 24, 2016Booklet on family law for immigrants officially launched in five languages

June 24, 2016Contingency arrangements for family support payments in case of Canada Post work stoppage

June 21, 2016Changes to Divorce Filing Fees

June 3, 2016 New Resources on Victims Bill of Rights Launched

May 18, 2016Video to help families going through divorce or separation

April 22, 2016Pilot Workshops on Family Law Matters for Immigrants Held in Saint John and Moncton

April 18, 2016Law Day 2016

April 12, 2016Change in the Real Property Transfer Tax Rate

March 15, 2016New Family Law Booklet for Immigrants

January 15, 2016Annual Report 2014-2015